Help for PTSD in Beccles, Bungay and Norwich.
PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, consists of a series of symptoms that arise from a traumatic event which occurred earlier in life..
The symptoms of PTSD usually consist of:
- Intrusive flashbacks (reliving a violent scene in your mind)
- Nightmares or recurrent bad dreams
- Anxiety disorders resulting in chronic physical pain, body tensions, teeth grinding
- Over reacting to situations with seemingly little control
- Sudden outbursts of rage or temper tantrums
- Unexplained fears or phobias
- Sleep disorders
- Inability to relax the mind and the body
- Persistent stress, tension, fears
- Inability to concentrate, loss of memory
A reminder of the event can trigger a reaction. For instance someone who has experienced an explosion in the past may go into panic if they hear a car backfire.
When a person comes to hypnotherapy with me for PTSD, they are not made to relive the initial traumatising event. The technique I use to deal with the trauma is a very gentle and relaxing experience. Often a single session is all that is needed.