Hypnotherapy in Beccles, Bungay and Norwich, to help you feel less stressed and more relaxed.
Hypnotherapy can help you manage stress in all areas of your life. Whether its work, family, events such as Christmas, moving house, caring for someone or something else that is causing you to feel tired and burnt out, hypnotherapy can help you to cope better in those situations. There is a difference between being stretched and being stressed and if you are feeling the latter then learning how to react differently to certain situations can really help you to cope. Some people say “I can’t relax” and they can’t, not consciously, but using the power of the unconscious mind in hypnotherapy they soon rediscover a calmness they haven’t had for sometimes a long while.
Physical symptoms of stress include:
- Low energy.
- Headaches.
- Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea.
- Aches, pains, and tense muscles.
- Chest pain and rapid heartbeat.
- Sleep problems
- Frequent colds and infections.
- Loss of sexual desire and/or ability.
Emotional symptoms of stress include:
- Becoming easily agitated, frustrated, and moody
- Feeling overwhelmed, like you are lacking control or need to take control
- Having difficulty relaxing and quietening your mind
- Feeling bad about yourself (low self-esteem), lonely, worthless, and depressed
- Avoiding others
Cognitive symptoms of stress include:
- Racing thoughts
- Forgetfulness and disorganization
- Inability to focus
- Poor judgment
- Being pessimistic or seeing only the negative side
- Black and white thinking
Behavioral symptoms of stress include:
- Changes in appetite — either not eating or eating too much
- Procrastination and avoiding responsibilities
- Increased use of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes
- Exhibiting more nervous behaviors, such as nail biting, fidgeting, and pacing
Keith has worked wonders with me. In just 3 sessions!! Even after the 1st session I could see changes in myself and the way I thought. Thank you for all your work you have done with me.